December 30, 2022

COMICLIST: DYNAMITE enjoyment new RELEASES FOR 12/20/2017

ComicList: Dynamite enjoyment new Releases for Wednesday, December 20, 2017, by Charles LePage.

Bettie page #6 (Cover A Joseph Michael Linsner), $3.99Bettie page #6 (Cover B Scott Chantler), $3.99Bettie page #6 (Cover C Photo), $3.99Bettie page #6 (Cover D Scott Chantler Black & White Variant), ARBettie page #6 (Cover E Joseph Michael Linsner Virgin Variant), ARBettie page #6 (Cover F Scott Chantler Virgin Variant), ARCentipede #5 (Of 5)(Cover A Francesco Francavilla), $3.99Centipede #5 (Of 5)(Cover B Eoin Marron), $3.99Centipede #5 (Of 5)(Cover C Francesco Francavilla Virgin Variant), ARPathfinder Worldscape Lord Of The Jungle #1 (One Shot)(Cover A Roberto Castro)(not verified by Diamond), $19.99Pathfinder Worldscape Red Sonja #1 (One Shot)(Cover A Roberto Castro)(not verified by Diamond), $19.99Pathfinder Worldscape Warlord Of Mars #1 (One Shot)(Cover A Roberto Castro)(not verified by Diamond), $19.99Shadow #5 (Cover A Tyler Kirkham), $3.99Shadow #5 (Cover B Michael William Kaluta), $3.99Shadow #5 (Cover C Kelley Jones), $3.99Shadow #5 (Cover D Tyler Kirkham Black & White Variant), ARShadow #5 (Cover E Michael William Kaluta Virgin Variant), ARShadow #5 (Cover F Kelley Jones Black & White Variant), ARShadow #5 (Cover G Michael William Kaluta Black & White Variant), ARVampirella #9 (Of 11)(Cover A Philip Tan), $3.99Vampirella #9 (Of 11)(Cover B Johnny Desjardins), $3.99Vampirella #9 (Of 11)(Cover C Cosplay), $3.99Vampirella #9 (Of 11)(Cover D Jimmy Broxton), $3.99Vampirella #9 (Of 11)(Cover E Cosplay Virgin Variant), ARVampirella #9 (Of 11)(Cover F Philip Tan Black & White Variant), ARVampirella #9 (Of 11)(Cover G Jimmy Broxton Black & White Variant), ARVampirella #9 (Of 11)(Cover H Philip Tan Virgin Variant), ARZ nation volume 1 Sea Of death TP, $19.99Merchandise
Red Sonja Amanda Conner Statue, AR
Red Sonja Amanda Conner Statue (Bronze limited Edition), AR

PLEASE NOTE- Not all of these titles will actually arrive in all stores. Please let me know if any of the names or numbers are wrong. use the ComicList Printable checklist to create shopping list for your local comic book shop. To find a local comic book shop, please browse The Master list of Comic book & Trading Card Stores. visit GoCollect and use their next-generation, near real-time comic book price guide. Subscribe by means of email or RSS.

© 1995-2017 Charles S. LePage. This work is licensed under the creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 united states License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to creative Commons, 171 second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA. any questions relating to the use of this work must be directed to Charles LePage at

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